Republicans should eat well and exercise daily just in case.
Obama’s Lies
You decide if you can trust our President or not. The evidence is piling up. What do you think is his motivation?
The Smoking Gun in Plain Sight
June 3, 2013 From The American Thinker
As the Obama administration descends into a whirlpool of scandals, a race has begun among Congressional committees and news organizations to find the proverbial smoking gun — the document that will link President Obama directly to the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, or to the Justice Department’s unprecedented legal actions against the Associated Press and Fox News reporter James Rosen, or to the Pentagon’s ghastly failure to launch a rescue mission when our consulate in Benghazi came under attack last September.
Study history, and you will understand why no such document is ever likely to be found: That just isn’t how these things work. Very few people are aware of this, but there is no document — not one — linking Adolf Hitler to the Holocaust. Why not? Because Hitler didn’t need to sign a document ordering the slaughter of six million Jews. All he needed to do was to demonize his enemy in speeches at the Reichstag, on the radio, and from one end of Germany to the other — then hire thugs like Herman Goering, Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Eichmann, and Josef Goebbels. They knew what der Fuhrer wanted, and der Fuhrer knew he could trust his henchman to get the job done — no matter how, no matter what may be the law — and to not bother him with the gory details. Continued
Call our Legislature!

Call our Representatives this week. Tell them to support the Senate Budget that supports K-12, supports business and does not raise taxes.
Ask them to not support the House Democrat Budget that with Governor Inslee’s lead will raise taxes by 1 billion. Ask where that extra 1 billion will come from. The answer is your pocket, your home, your vacation,etc.Interesting since the Governor promised in his campaign not to raise taxes. See video below.
Rep. Kristine Lytton(d) (360) 786-7800
Rep. Jeff Morris(d)360-786-7970
Sen.Kevin Ranker(d)(360) 786-7678
May 2013 Washington State Central Committee Meeting a Success
Levi Rawls and Michelle Loftus traveled to Richmond, Washington this weekend to meet with other State Republican leaders. The big news is that in our non presidential race cycle we will host a Training Conference instead of a Delegate Convention. The Conference Committee will meet and release details soon. Training and informational workshops will be combined with entertainment to boost our party toward being helpful in our communities and effective in our elections.Opposition to this change involved the fact that we will continue our platform forward to the next cycle without further input.A majority of us decided it would be good to shake things up a bit and try something new.
Levi sat on the WSRP Executive Board as proxy and led the prayer before the Friday evening meeting. With my seat on the Executive Board, San Juan County solidly represented Region 5 NW Washington.We shared ideas and came home with many.We also visited Arlene’s Flowers, the business being sued by Washington State for not providing flowers for a same sex marriage ceremony.Many bought flowers from Arlene’s to show support of Arlene’s religious freedom. If you would like to contribute to her legal fund contact the Family Policy Institute of Washington and search for “Team Arlene’s”.You can also call Atty Gen Bob Ferguson’s office 360-753-6200 and ask him to drop the suit in respect to Arlene’s religious freedom.
State Chair Wilbur is working to support Republican Candidates for November’s local elections as well as Jan Angel’s run for the Leg District 26(Port Orchard)State Senate seat.She is presently in the House seat but the Senate Majority will be strengthened with her election. Chair Wilbur is also planning for elections of 2014 and 2016.He is confident that as our races have become closer and that the national scene is fraught with scandal we will see victories in 2013,2014 and 2016.He also mentioned congratulations to San Juan County’s Council Election results.
More Conference 2014 details to come…..