Anti GMO forces are rethinking their position

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 It is noble when someone can admit they are wrong. However here in our county we have a GMO ban based on the faulty information driven into the minds of the voters.Ugh, Mark Lynas supporters, what do you think we should do now? Maybe our island ecosystems could still benefit from the boutique non GMO seed production but did you need to make the ban so broad? I think we will need to clean this up in the future.

Like us on Facebook!

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Come bring our lively conversations to our Facebook page. There is so much to discuss-county elections, gun ban attempts, a Secretary of State Clinton who can’t explain what happened in Libya September 11,2012 and accepts lying about the facts as no big deal.Let us know what you think.

Here is the link to like the SJC Republicans page on Facebook directly:

Candidate Forum Wed 1/23 2:30-5:00 PM at The Bean,Friday Harbor

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Today, Wed Jan 23rd, there will be a Candidate Forum 2:30-5 PM at The Bean in Friday Harbor. It will be a new format where you can spend 2 minutes with each candidate sitting at a table enjoying great Bean coffee or snacks purchased from The Bean. It should be fun and informative. Ask those questions without having to stand up in an audience.


Inauguration Day

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From Fox News:

Krauthammer: Obama’s Inauguration Speech Was an “Ode to Big Government” That Declared the “End of Reaganism”

Following President Obama’s inauguration speech, Charles Krauthammer provided reaction to the address, which he believes will be considered historically important because it revealed “Obama unbound.”He argued that in the address, the president declared “the end of Reaganism.”In Reagan’s 1981 inaugural address, he changed the ideology of the country by declaring that “government is not the solution, government is the problem.”Krauthammer said, “Today’s inaugural address was a rebuke to that entire idea. This speech today was an ode to big government, it was a hymn to big government.”He cited the president’s focus on climate change and civil rights.“This speech was a declaration the era of big government is back,” Krauthammer said.

Washington State Legislative Update

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House Bill 1071: Regarding state and private partnerships for managing salmon hatcheries
Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (D) on January 15, 2013, removes from current law a requirement that the Department of Fish and Wildlife establish public-private partnership agreements to restore and operate salmon hatcheries already closed. This act also modifies business plan requirements to allow for the harvest of chum salmon in designated areas.

House Bill 1072: Creating the agricultural labor skills and safety grant program
Introduced by Rep. Bruce Chandler (R) on January 15, 2013, authorizes the Department of Agriculture to create a grant program to provide training programs for agricultural workers, subject to dedicated funding. A grant recipient may receive up to $750,000 per year. This act expires on July 1, 2016. Continued