God Bless the Strength and Courage of our Military
How Far Should the CIA Go to Keep Us Safe?-Herb Meyer December 11,2014
The report just published by Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee about the
CIA’s interrogation of captured terrorists after 9-11 is so badly flawed — so
overtly partisan, so ideologically-driven, so far below the basic standards of reporting
and analysis — that the clowns who wrote it couldn’t even get hired by Rolling Stone.
In the interests of turning a lemon into lemonade, let’s use this report, and the
political explosion it’s triggered, as an opportunity to put the issue of how we want the
CIA to deal with captured terrorists into the public square — and let’s get it resolved,
finally, one way or the other.
First, a bit of background: In the aftermath of 9-11 the Bush administration —
reeling from an attack that killed more than 3,000 Americans, terrified that a second
attack could come at any time, facing a threat to our homeland no administration in
American history had confronted — pulled out all the stops and took down all the
guardrails. And the CIA was at the leading, or rather at the bleeding, edge of all these
efforts. Did the administration make mistakes? Of course it did. Did the president and
his top officials sometimes go too far to protect us? Alas, yes. Did the CIA sometimes
act clumsily, put the wrong officials in the wrong jobs, and sometimes make a mess
of things? Absolutely.
Still, in the more than 13 years since 9-11 there hasn’t been a second masscasualty
attack on our country. There’s nothing wrong with being critical about how this
miracle was accomplished. But just a bit of gratitude mixed into the criticism, and
perhaps even a dollop of admiration for the men and women who achieved it, would be
nice. Continued
San Juan County Republican Organization Meeting Mon Dec 8th 11:30
San Juan County Republicans need those of you who believe in conservative small government values.
Help us stand up for high moral standards and elect leaders that will respect our personal freedoms.
San Juan County Republican Party Organization Meeting
PCO’s will vote for officers
Monday December 8th 11:30
China Pearl Upstairs
Tentative Slate:
Chair-Levi Rawls
Vice Chair-Michelle Loftus (flexible if someone else wants the opportunity)
Secretary-open (male or female)
Treasurer-Alex Gavora
State Committee Woman-Cindy Carter
State Committee Man-open (male of course)
Even SNL thinks the President’s EO’s are Wrong
Thank you Steve Beren, WSRP