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September 6, 2013 Congress will vote soon on whether to authorize military force in response to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons on civilians.I have not decided how I will vote. Before I do, I would like to hear from you.The evidence that the Syrian government used chemical weapons is convincing. I understand those who are skeptical, particularly with the memory of how the American public was offered defective intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war. But the evidence on Syria is credible, and has been corroborated by analyses from France and the United Kingdom. Continued |
New Poll Results :)
“Washingtonian Receives Medal Of Honor”-from Island Guardian
Please read this amazing story:
Forum for the “Affordable Health Care Act” on Orcas and San Juan Islands
The “Affordable” Health Care Act
and What it Means to Us
Daniel Himebaugh-Pacific Legal Foundation
Roger Stark-Washington Policy Center
Friday Sept 13, 6:00PM Eastsound Fire Hall, Orcas Island-
Sponsored by the Orcas Eagle Forum
Saturday Sept 14, 6:00PM Potluck and 6:30PM Forum,San Juan Historical Museum-
Sponsored by the San Juan County Republicans
Volunteers needed for speaker lodging,set up and clean up
SJI bring a dish to share
Call Cindy Carter 376-2187 or Michelle Loftus 378-4738 for more information
Congressman Larsen to Visit Veterans and Businesses in Friday Harbor Wed 8/28
Congressman Larsen will visit The American Legion in Friday Harbor Wed 8/28 to address Veterans. After that, about 4 PM, he will visit Friday Harbor businesses. Let’s go ask him a few questions while he is here. He is a supporter of the Obamacare.He also drove home the National Monument idea in Washington DC.Ugh.
Sorry I will be working in Anacortes Wed so I will miss this.