From Our Washington State House Republicans Insider

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Washington House Republicans - Insider
March 19,2013
Dear Republican friends,
It’s been a busy week since our last Insider. Before last Wednesday’s floor cutoff, we passed hundreds of bills from the House floor. One significant bill that died was the universal background checks gun control bill. House Republicans also unveiled the first budget of the 2013 legislative session — a plan that would fund education first. Tomorrow, the state’s revenue forecast will be released, and in the final weeks of the session (scheduled to adjourn April 28), our focus will be on crafting an operating budget. From our Republican standpoint, it should be a spending plan based upon priorities of government and without tax increases. Continued

Patty Murray vs. Paul Ryan, in one chart

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From Washington Post WONKBLOG Posted by Dylan Matthews on March 12, 2013 at 3:36 pm


Ryan’s got no tax increases, no stimulus, much more in spending cuts, and a much faster pace of deficit reduction. Here’s how the plans stack up:

The Ryan budget wasn’t the only spending document released Tuesday. The Senate Budget Committee, lead by Patty Murray, released the topline numbers of their budget as well.

It includes $100 billion in stimulus spending on infrastructure projects, $975 billion in new tax revenue through cutting expenditures, $493 billion in domestic cuts (including $275 billion in health cuts), and $240 billion in defense cuts (all numbers over 10 years). Together with the $242 billion that it saves in interest payments, it adds up to a $1.85 trillion package, split evenly between taxes and spending cuts.

The Democrats say that together with the $2.5 trillion in deficit reduction Congress has already passed, this means that Senate Democrats would have passed $4.25 trillion in total deficit reduction — enough to put debt-to-GDP on a declining path through the next decade.


Lisa Byers supports Communal Land Ownership Model

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Watch the video and decide if you are comfortable voting for someone who thinks no land should be in private ownership. Lisa states clearly that she supports the UN suggestion that land ownership provides to much power to the individual.As Charlie Brown would say,”AAAGGGHHHH!

Gun issues isolate rural Democrats

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From the   March 10, 2013
Max Baucus one of many balancing party, constituent beliefs
Matt Gouras Associated Press
U.S. Sens. Max Baucus, left, and Jon Tester, right, talk to fellow Democrats on Saturday in Helena.

HELENA – U.S. Sen. Max Baucus has been here before.

Back during the Clinton era, the Democrat faced a choice: support an assault weapons ban urged by a president from his own party and risk angering constituents who cherish their gun rights, or buck his party. He chose the ban, and nearly lost his Senate seat.

Now, as he begins his campaign for a seventh term, Baucus faces the question again. For weeks, gun foes have sought assurances he would oppose the assault weapons ban. But it was only this past week he said he would oppose it. Continued