So much to consider

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Today I met with Orcas and San Juan Island Republican leaders to consider the elections results.So much thanks to Mamie Forbes for her excellent spread of food! It still looks like we will win Kim Wyman for Sec of State and the Governor’s race is still too close to call. Referendum 74 is still uncertain as well.I will keep you informed about our county government changes as Bob Jarman and Marc Forlenza were successful in their races.Today’s visits were therapeutic. Thank you all.

Our State Republican Chair Kirby Wilbur sends his thanks and strength to all who have devoted countless hours of work and donations.

The San Juan County Democratic Chair Ron Zee and I exchanged pleasant congratulatory emails today and plan on future meetings.



Our Task

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Well that was a painful evening. The governor’s race is yet to be decided even at this late (early) hour. Mr. Romney has handled the defeat with class I am so proud for.

I write to you with thanks for all of your work.

We will still meet for Victory Wednesday on San Juan and Orcas as it has come in pieces with our local races. Victory still looms in our horizon as we must continue the journey.We will restore and look forward to how our country will need us.

Tomorrow, Wed Nov 7th at noon and Friday Nov 9th at 9:00 we will still need ballot monitors so let me know if you are able. You must attend the 15 min training prior to the ballot processing and I must submit your name for participation.

Please help to remove signs from our roadways over the next 72 hours. I will let you know soon what the candidates want to do with the signs.

I leave you with this at this early hour:

Philippians 4:8

“Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Whatever you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you.- Apostle Paul.

I will see you all on Orcas and San Juan tomorrow (today actually).


Victory Parties Scheduled on San Juan and Orcas Islands

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 Victory Parties Scheduled for San Juan and Orcas Islands

Wed Nov 7th

 San Juan Island

Mi Casitas (Best Western) 5:30 PM

We will order from the menu dinner, appetizers or drinks.

 Orcas Island

Mamie’s Boardwalk near the ferry landing 12-4:30PM.

Where Reagan’s spirit is alive

Appetizers and drinks available and potluck welcome.

 Come Celebrate!!!

You Deserve It!!!



Are you convinced yet?

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If for some reason you still have doubts watch these wonderful videos about our great nation and what she needs:

1.”The Anti Israel President”
David Horowitz Freedom Center
2.A Navy Seal perspective:

This 32 second video says it all – Bow to no one!!!

3.Washington Policy Center Lecture by Daniel Hannan:

America’s Freedoms and Principles

Provided by M. Forbes

Ride to Vote

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Red If you know a Republican who needs a ride to the ballot box on Nov 6th please call the following for volunteers. A ballot put in the ballot box will be counted sooner than a mailed ballot Nov 6th.


San Juan Island  298-1176
Orcas Island       376-2971

Lopez Island       468-2840 or 468-2043