Does America finally believe that Gov. Romney is a compassionate and genuine man?

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Anthony Welcher

September 5, 2012

Convention Wrap and Onward to Victory
I’ve had the honor to participate in the last four RNCs in professional staff roles executing message. Without a doubt, our 2012 nomination of Gov. Romney and Cong. Ryan was the best and most effective convention of the four. Our party had a critical mission and that was to humanize a man who is more than human, but had been vilified via class warfare by the that Obamanation of a campaign that continues to lie about his past and reputation. Even the traditionally hateful media ended up coming Romney’s defense over the last few months on many of the Bain Capital misstatements. By the way, when did it become evil to make a fortune by working hard and building a foundation in this country? Romney started with nothing and has achieved the true American Dream. We should be praising him for that. Continued

When will President George Bush leave office?

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A liberal Denver Post Aurora Sentinel opinion piece by lifelong Democrat Chuck Green.
It is time that we asked George Bush to step aside so that Obama can get his presidency going.
Here’s an opinion piece by Chuck Green who writes “Greener Pastures” for the Denver Post Aurora Sentinel…one of the more liberal papers in the country. Additionally, Mr. Green is a lifelong Democrat…so this is rather a stunning piece…
Obama is victim of Bush’s failed promises!
Barack Obama is setting a record-setting number of records during his first term in office:
Largest budget ever. Largest deficit ever. Largest number of broken promises ever.
Most self-serving speeches ever. Largest number of agenda-setting failures ever. Fastest dive in popularity ever!
Wow! Talk about change.
Just three years ago, fresh from his inauguration celebrations, President Obama was flying high. After one of the nation’s most inspiring political campaigns, the election of America ‘s first black president had captured the hopes and dreams of millions. To his devout followers, it was inconceivable that a year later his administration would be gripped in self-imposed crisis.
Of course, they don’t see it as self-imposed. It’s all George Bush’s fault !
George Bush, who doesn’t have a vote in congress and who no longer occupies the White House, is to blame for it all. Continued