Cindy Carter on May 2017 State meetings

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May 19-20, the WA State Republican Party (WSRP) central committee met. Each county sends a state committeeman, a state committeewoman, and usually a chairman to meet together once a quarter. I typically send Vice-chair Lynda Gerpheide in my place. Following is Statecommiteewoman Cindy Carter’s report:

“I did get a lot of information at the state meeting, and it is so good to be in a large company of Republicans…it always lifts my spirits…

There was a budget report also, it was amazing in that Susan Hutchinson and the WSRP are way above budget for fundraising, and will have funding available to help with the race in the 45th district.  We also were privileged to hear from Jinyoung Lee Englund who is an amazing person, working with campaigns and when not doing that, helping in 3rd world nations to bring clean water to the people.  She is a great candidate for the 45th.

Susan and the WSRP State Committee man and woman, Jeff and Freddie, also were apparently amazing at the National meeting and someone accused them of having Washington taking over the National Committee.

There was a resolution that passed at the state committee meeting asking members of the WSRP to be active in recruiting people to sign the Initiative 1552.  I-1552 is the privacy initiative asking that businesses and schools be allowed to decide how to set up their bathrooms instead of a 5 person un-elected panel making that decision for them.  On a side note, after traveling down and back up the West Coast, I really miss the gender specific bathrooms.  Having to use the unisex bathrooms was, well, disgusting.  The gender specific bathrooms are definitely a bonus.  I do have some initiatives if anyone would like to gather signatures.  Signatures are due by July 1st.

Thank you!
Cindy Carter”