Governor Christie here to support Rob McKenna for Washington Governor

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Team –

Governor Chris Christie is many things – a visionary, a courageous leader, and a Bruce Springsteen fan. He is also a funny guy. But he knows how to drive home a point, and this line had people laughing and nodding along at yesterday’s rally:

“Now I’m sure Congressman Inslee is a nice guy. But here’s the problem: He’s Congressman Inslee. And he’s been part of the problem in Washington, D.C. And I’m going to tell you something: You don’t want to import Washington, D.C. problems to Washington State. You need a New Direction, and Rob’s going to give it to you.”

Governor Christie is a Republican with a Democratic legislature (sound familiar?) – but he’s managed to balance the budget, rally the state around education accountability and reform, and lead the charge on job creation that has been dubbed, “The New Jersey Comeback.” Governor Christie is a setting a New Direction in New Jersey. Now it’s Washington’s turn – and it all starts with you.

Thanks for your support,
