Sheriff Nou says vote “NO” to I-502

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From Journal of the San Juans:

OCTOBER 23, 2012                        

Regardless of the outcome of I-502, the marijuana legalization initiative on our ballot, the following facts remain.

Marijuana is a schedule 1 controlled substance. Marijuana will still be unlawful to possess, manufacture or deliver under federal law. Marijuana is addictive and it impairs a person’s ability to function.

If I-502 were to pass, marijuana would become more available and more pervasive in Washington, placing our youth and our communities at further risk. Under I-502, marijuana remains unlawful for people under 21, similar to alcohol. I-502 puts the state in the marijuana business, in competition with the current drug traffickers. If having the state in the liquor business was a bad idea, how can this even be considered?

Many of you have expressed grave concern about the drug problems in our island communities. I-502 is a bad idea, it is bad public policy and creates more problems than it will solve. Read the measure very carefully before casting your ballot, and join me in voting “No” on I-502.

Rob Nou, San Juan Island

*See more information on our I-502 page under Ballot Measures Explained