James Watkins for State Auditor. It is a moral decision.

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Friends –
This morning, I earned the last of the major newspaper endorsements (7 for 8!), my campaign is executing our voter contact plans, we’re getting tons of hits every day at www.FactCheckTroyKelley.com – things appear to be going well. But I need your help this weekend to reach EVERY voter in Washington.
Earlier this week, I received a forwarded copy of an email from attorney Scott A. Smith. Scott was the lawyer who led the main lawsuit against Troy Kelley – he knows Kelley’s character & legal issues intimately.
Scott sent the attached email to 1000 of his friends and business associates and has gotten a positive response.  It’s the best summary of the Kelley issues I’ve seen. (you can also see the original Court documents here)
The Longview Daily News said “The State Auditor, as Julius Caesar once said of his wife, must be above suspicion.”  They got it right.  Integrity and character matter for a state auditor.  Can you imagine somebody with Troy Kelley’s background in that position? Continued

Good Job Republicans!

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We are being heard! Continue those great “Letters to the Editor” and articles.Remember the Journal’s deadline is Friday noon for the next week paper.PCO’s call and have that friendly conversation with those of our community looking for answers to our problems. Most of all, VOTE REPUBLICANS VOTE!

Monitor the Ballot Count

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Show up 8:45 AM for a fifteen minute orientation for Ballot Counting beginning 9:00AM at the Elections Office Thurs Oct 25th,Thurs Nov 1st, Tues Nov 6th or Fri Nov 9th. The Elections Office is locate at 55 2nd Street,Suite A, Friday Harbor.Our elections team is a very cordial group. You will enjoy observing the process.

Encouraging words from WSRP Chair Kirby Wilbur

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The new Elway poll came out today. I want to share with you some of the encouraging numbers within it.

In the Governor’s race, Rob is up 2 points among likely voters, 47-45%, with 8% undecided and a 5%+/- margin of error. This is a shift back toward Rob and there is more good news I believe when we examine the internals. The voter sample is 36%D, 32%R and 32%I, which I believe is a bit more D than the electorate. To quote from the poll “ McKenna supporters seem somewhat more comfortable with their candidate than do Inslee supporters.” 30% of Inslee voters cited him being a D was the primary reason they supported him, whereas 18% of Rob’s supporters cited him being a Republican. Continued

America needs Us

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It is up to us
Protecting our children, our future, and our freedom

by Curtiss Wikstrom


     America has been exceptional because most of our associations and activities have been voluntary.  We could make most of the important decisions in our lives ourselves, rather than having them made for us by a government agent or committee.   We have been free to choose our friends and associates. We have had the right to own, use, buy and sell property, rather than live as serfs or tenants of royalty or government agencies, required to get permission to do anything.
Because of that freedom we could all create, innovate, invent, and start businesses, services, or charities.  We could start our own groups with people willing to work for the same goals or causes.  We were free to trade with each other, compete, and cooperate.  Because there are so many people creating and innovating, we have become unbelievably prosperous in comparison to the rest of the world.  Each of us benefits from the creative work of so many free people, no matter how humble our own contribution.
When we deal with free enterprises we can patronize those that treat us the best.  If we are not satisfied doing business with one group, we can walk across the street, or drive down the road and patronize another group.  If we feel that one doctor is not finding an adequate remedy we can go get treatment from another.  Free private businesses work hard to keep us coming back for business.  They know that if we are happy with the products and services we will come back for more.
We used to respect and protect freedom of conscience.  We were not forced to do things that we thought were morally wrong.   Even during times of war, those who could not kill others were excused from combat. We could disagree strongly on issues and still tolerate and live with each other. We could call other people wrong or mistaken without giving offense, and it didn’t occur to us to call opposing views “hate speech”. Continued