Monday Nov 25th Meeting to support our private business owners!

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See you today at the Mullis St Fire Station 11-1

HI friends,
As most of you know Customs has signed a Lease with us to rent the former Windermere space for an office. They will move 2 blocks up from their current location at the Port 660 SF. They need more space for the 15 people who work for Customs in Friday Harbor. They check in boats at the port, cruise ships from Canada at the Spring Street Terminal, and the Sydney ferry. That’s why the location works for them. The space was built out as an office. It will remain an office. The building will not change in appearance or use.

Please check out this link below. Continued

“Competence Comes First” by Herb Meyer

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From the American Thinker:

herb_meyer.jpgOur political differences have grown so profound, and become so nasty, that we’ve lost sight of the one thing that matters more than policy: competence.  Even the wisest, most carefully conceived policy will end in failure if the officials who execute it have no idea what they’re doing.

To point out the obvious, President Obama and his team are utterly, completely incompetent when it comes to executing national policy.  The catastrophic launch of Obamacare is only the latest example.  Whatever that gun-running operation to Mexico called Fast-and-Furious was really about, it’s clear the administration made a mess of it.  The president and his national security team failed to protect our consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  And when the attack came they failed miserably, and fatally, to rescue our Ambassador and his three colleagues.

I’m not asserting that the president and his team are totally incompetent.  They do a better job of getting their base out to vote than any group of politicos have ever done before in our country’s history.  Their efforts to trash their political opponents are unfair and often vicious but — alas — they are astoundingly successful.  Their talents for deflecting blame and stonewalling investigations of their criminal mid-deeds are extraordinary.

It’s just that they have no idea how to run a government — which is what they were elected to do.

Author’s note to those readers who are already jumping out of their chairs and starting to type comments-to-the-editor suggesting, not very politely, that Herb Meyer is so stupid he doesn’t even realize that all these “failures” are actually brilliant maneuvers by the President and his team to destroy our country:

Yes, I know it’s a mistake to underestimate one’s enemies.  But it’s an even bigger mistake to overestimate your enemies and give them more credit than they’re due.  And this bigger mistake happens in politics all the time. Continued

Contact Dept of Ecology Today Please-Mon Nov 18th

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From my friend on the WSRP Executive Board Ruth Peterson:

I often hear people say they are frustrated because they feel expressing their opinion makes no difference. Here is an example of an action you can take immediately that can have a huge impact. Everyone needs to write a letter to the Department of Ecology and post it online at the following link – ONLINE COMMENT. Please take the time to do this now, today, because the deadline is November 18th. Below, I will explain about the situation just below my signature, and then below that, I will provide several sample letters. Please add your own words. They will tend to ignore letters that have the exact same wording, taking them as “form letters.” Also, please, even if you are as frustrated as I am over the business-killing atmosphere in this state, be polite. I can guarantee that they will not continue reading rude or abusive letters. Be professional – then they can’t ignore us. And PLEASE pass this on (in fact, add your letter to the bottom of the list below so your friends have even more options to choose from). We can only make a difference through sheer numbers, so getting the word spread around is the only way to succeed.

All the best,

 Ruth Peterson
360-245-3960 (h)
360-880-4553 (cell & messages)
There is a bulk terminal in Longview on the Columbia River that has been in existence for decades. Previous owners made a mess of it, both structurally and environmentally. A company called Millennium bought the property and has done an amazing job cleaning it up so it can be used to safely store and ship bulk items again. One of the main items they wish to ship is coal – Powder River Basin coal from Montana. Continued