Tonight we heard from candidates for County Council District 1 and 2. It seems again the dems have declared endorsements for these non partisan races. One dem candidate criticized the SJCRP for not declaring endorsements. Since the San Juan County Charter specifically says that the council races are non partisan, this Republican Party Chair will respect the law of the charter. To have a political party endorse or to have a candidate accept a political party endorsement is in conflict with our County Charter. Will the dem candidates continue to pick and choose which parts of the charter to follow if elected? Such declarations and respect for the law should help us determine our vote.
None of the candidates stood up well to the questions about gun control. Scary to think that no one spoke against the question about the state allowing local authorities to enforce stricter gun control measures.Great, let’s just invite more drug dealers to the San Juans. Forlenza spoke for controlling gun magazine size. So just the bad guys will have them? Pratt admitted she didn’t know which guns were being considered in the recent gun law discussions but was glad we have a mental health tax. Jarman gave a soft non committal answer but admitted he is a gun owner.
It seems everyone wants a good economy, an improved permit process, more jobs, and some folks want bicycle paths. Really? In this economy and with all the issues before us someone took our time to discuss bicycle paths.No one wants to own the CAO but one democrat endorsed candidate spent seven years with it.
I hope everyone can attend the upcoming forums. Sponsor a coffee for a candidate or two. Get involved.
Future LWV Forums:
Wed Jan 16 Orcas Senior Center, 5 to 7 pm
Thu Jan 17 Lopez Grace Episcopal Church, 5 to 7 pm
Chair Loftus