HERB MEYER, was the author of the famous memo to President Reagan that put forth the thesis that the USA could spend the Soviet Union into bankruptcy. He will be the speaker at the Conservative Values Forum on Wednesday, Oct 16th. Herb worked for Bill Casey, Director of the CIA, and was an “out of the box” thinker. He is a renowned international speaker.
Meyer was interviewed, this spring, by Rush Limbaugh about his current wide ranging topic: the impact of freedom around the world, and how for the first time in history we will see the end of general poverty on the Earth. That interview transcript, from the “Limbaugh Letter” is attached.
Herb’s comment when he and Rush are talking about America’s current troubles, gives you the flavor of his thinking:
“But when you look, not out the windshield, but at the radar screen, you can see further ahead. Holy cow! It’s a completely different world than anybody’s ever seen before.”
You will not want to miss this Forum. Wednesday, October 16th, 11am, at the Farmhouse Restaurant on Highway 20. Please RSVP Claire Eberle at 360-466-5527, or Claire@eberlecb.com.
Information received from Clair and Bob Eberle