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Presently the county is working on the County’s Comprehensive Plan. There are many elements to this plan that you can read when you need help sleeping. However, there are some action filled sections to keep you awake- maybe all night.Please refer to the San Juan County Website’s Community and Development-Long Range Projects List or follow this link

The Comprehensive Plan is a guide to our future county government.Read what you can and decide what is good and what is missing. The Transportation Element had my attention today.I think we have been effective in removing the additional county licensing requirements for Susie’s Mopeds (she is already paying State License and following guidelines for safety and education as a responsible successful businesswoman).Additional financial burden on our local businesses is not necessary and counterproductive.

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Read the trails section(about page 40)and comment. Do you see any mention of property owner’s consideration? Hmmmm. I didn’t see it either so that’s an area we should make comment about.

Contact our new council members and let them know your ideas about our county’s future.See above page for County Council contact information.