To all our friends celebrating Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we wish you a blessed holiday with family and friends. As the Resurrection represents the victory of life over death, this year we are particularly mindful of those Christians around the world who are suffering persecution for their faith:
• In Egypt, where 45 Coptic Christians were killed in Islamic terrorist bombings on Palm Sunday, traditional festive Easter celebrations have been canceled.
• In Communist North Korea, many Christians are arrested and imprisoned in hard labor camps, where unknown numbers die from torture, beatings, and starvation.
• In Syria and the Middle East, ISIS has killed and captured Christians, forcing women and girls into slavery, torturing those who will not convert to Islam.
We yearn for and pray for a world where God’s justice and righteousness prevails. Ultimately it will—That’s the promise of Easter.
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:10

Susan Hutchison
Chairman, Washington State Republican Party
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