Greetings Conservatives!
Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson (4/13)
Happy Easter (4/16)
Our next Central Committee Meeting is 4/29
Conference room, Heritage Bank in Friday Harbor
time tbd
Chairman’s Message:
I want to encourage people to write letters to the editor. It is one of the main reasons I include these links. You would be surprised how easy it is to get published. A political party is a coalition. It allows us to support each other to advocate for our common goals. But we don’t have to agree with each other on everything. The party helps keep us from being picked apart one at a time. On our own we make easy targets for the Democrats. I include these links so that we can support each other.
To that end I want to say that I have been gratified to see more letters by conservatives over the last few weeks. If we are more active as a party perhaps that will give encouragement to those who speak out that they are not on their own. By including these links I hope to support those who speak out by making members aware of what is happening.
I remember when Michelle Loftus was attacked at the end of last year and the Journal ran numerous letters that criticized her — by the time I heard about it, it was too late to do anything. I do not want to repeat that. Like anybody else, my reading of the paper was spotty (my pre chairman days…). The Journal would have published conservative letters supporting her, but few if any materialized. They did publish some stuff they probably shouldn’t have, and we had it out with the editor. But we conservatives also let her down. I hope this newsletter will help with that problem. I hope our activity level will embolden conservatives.
We need to support each other. SJCRP will do its best to provide venues for conservatives to support each other, to see that they are not alone. There are thousands of us across this county. I meet so many people who whisper to me “I’m a Republican but I don’t want to speak out because of my job…” I can understand that. Just keep in mind that we all face the same dilemma. Rarely are conservatives truly targeted for demolition, even in this county. Many prominent Republicans do just fine. There are a lot more of us than you may realize. And there is safety in standing together!
Please help us by inviting your friends to join our email list. We promise not to overuse it, and not to give it to anybody else — even the state GOP. Interested persons can join our list here.
Links: Local/State:
The Sounder ran an interesting article about waste management in SJC. Believe it or not, this has been a contentious issue many times.
The Journal ran an article on 4/13 entitled “Public Hospital District Answers” here. It has a series of explanations about how the hospital district works. Michelle Loftus posted some comments at the end.
The Dept of Ecology has recommended changes to the Shoreline Master Plan. These things are often a headache for conservatives and property owners. The Island Guardian reports. Along these lines, the BLM is seeking nominations for the Monument Advisory Board. Island Guardian reports. It would be amazing to have a good conservative apply for this.
Some of you may be aware that the seat left by the late State Senator Andy Reid is going to have a special election. Because control of the state senate is so close, this election effectively decides which party will control the state senate. Seattle Times reports. WSRP has issued a statement as well, reposted on our website here. On a personal note, as I am from Woodinville it is fun to see someone from my home town running!
There has been a bit of a stink made by Democrats about State Senator Erickson’s income. The Fourth Corner, a Whatcom County blog, has a blistering response, analyzing State Senator Kevin Ranker’s income.
Don’t forget about the OPALCO election. Journal reports.
Links: National
You may have heard that the distinguished jurist Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the Supreme Court. The Seattle Times talks about the mild hazing of a new supreme court justice. Another article discuses why this is a revolution, albeit a quiet one (from the City Journal). It’s true that the ramifications of this appointment cannot be overstated.
A friend sent me an excellent article in Bloomberg, “How Utah Keeps the American Dream Alive,” which discusses how Utah has successfully implemented a successful, compassionate, and conservative set of policies.
The storage of nuclear waste at Yucca mountain is just one of the many messes that the Obama administration left behind. Daily Caller reports.
The next county council meeting is April 17th. Calendar is here.
April special election is on April 25th (Lopez only)
Next SJCRP meeting is April 29th, Heritage Bank. Details forthcoming.