Call your Representative Monday!Ugh, Special Session!

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OK. Here we are again. Today the Legislative Session should be over. However they headed for another expensive special session to finalize a budget.Call our Representatives and tell them to get their job done quickly. We are tired of putting our money in their pockets when they have had months to finalize a budget. It is obvious Gov Inslee is not business minded and not using LEAN ideas he spoke of in his campaign.He wants to add $879 million worth of taxes to our wallets.Call and tell him “No.”

Ranker is complaining about people not working together when he is one of the few who voted against the Larry Carpenter for Fish and Wildlife Commission. Mr Carpenter has been actively trying to keep San Juan Island’s west side open to boat traffic. What’s with that Ranker?

Rep. Kristine Lytton(d) (360) 786-7800
Rep. Jeff Morris(d)360-786-7970
Sen.Kevin Ranker(d)(360) 786-7678


It’s Done! Congratulations are in order!

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Please congratulate Bob Jarman,Rick Hughes and Jamie Stephens, our new San Juan County Council. All candidates worked tirelessly for this day.We need to appreciate all candidates and their families who sacrifice so much time and effort in this process.

We expect to see great things from candidate Brian McClerren in the future.He is quite impressive don’t you think?Now let’s get to work helping our elected officials in our beautiful San Juan County.


It’s a Nail Biter!

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We’ll most likely know later today the results of our County Council Election. The boxes from Orcas and Lopez will be counted today. Keep informed at results. Keep praying.

“Call your Representative Monday” today!

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Rep. Kristine Lytton(d) (360) 786-7800
Rep. Jeff Morris(d)360-786-7970 (Transportation Committee Member)
Sen.Kevin Ranker(d)(360) 786-7678

Today’s request for the last 6 days of this legislative session 2013 comes from State Republican Chairman Kirby Wilbur:We’re heading down the home stretch of the 2013 legislative session, which means these final six days will be spent battling over a budget which pits Governor Inslee and the House Democrats’ tax increase proposal vs. the Senate Republicans’ no-new-taxes proposal that prioritizes our children and funds education, without breaking the backs of struggling Washington families.
We need all hands on deck.

We’re barely 99 days into the Governor’s first legislative session, and he’s already broken a key campaign promise he used to get elected! It sickens me to see this kind of politicking and manipulation going on in Washington, which is why we made this new ad to spread the word that Governor Inslee can not be trusted: