SJCRP Mailing List Recieves Update

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SJCRP Mailing List Recieves Update

Yes, I really am posting about this.

A mailing list is one of those boring, mundane tasks that is easy to ignore until it’s too late. Last year, we sent out a mailing and had close to 700 addresses returned. This several hundred dollar expense cannot be repeated. So I spent my day removing the yellow “undeliverable” sticker and then scanning each address that was undeliverable. It was a huge pain. But when people give us money, it is not to blow on postage fees. We can and we will do better.

For that reason our mailing list is recieving a complete overhaul by Cindy Carter, with help from Dave Vandeveer and Rich Swenson. Cindy is chair of our membership committee, and is doing great work. They are taking mailing lists from the county and the state, our previous master mailing list, primary voting records, and other assorted lists to compile a new and better master list. This very large task is being ably handled.

In a few weeks we will use that list to send out the announcement for our Lincoln Day event, a membership drive, and a short newsletter. This is basic outreach that can’t be accomplished any other way. We can email people, but our email database is much, much smaller (about 1/3 the size) than our physical address list. And while email reaches only one person, a mailing reaches a household.

This is one of those annoying administrative tasks without which we cannot accomplish anything strategic. We could have the most brilliant plan ever to make our county more conservative, but without outreach it accomplishes nothing. It takes many hours of dedicated service to update our records. It only takes five minutes to outline my goals and strategy to accomplish our conservative vision.

But it is the labor of many people, and many hours, that makes any strategy work.