Movie “2016” Highlights

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Great thanks to the efforts of Jerry Alhadeff for showing “2016” yesterday. It was well attended. I came away with a better understanding of Obama’s actions. Obama’s global viewpoint of anti colonialism was nurtured by his family and family friends from a young age. From this have spun his ideas of “Redistribution of Wealth” essentially because western nations “owe” the previously colonized nations.Obama not only wants to redistribute America’s wealth to underprivileged Americans but to the countries that are “owed”.Yikes!This explains his shutting down drilling on our shores while sending money for drilling to Brazil.This explains his resistance to stop nuclear development in Iran.This also explains his 16 Trillion Dollar debt that makes our currency unstable and our trade vulnerable.His apology tour to Europe and the Middle East showed those countries his plan was in action.The destabilization of America has begun…….

Please send a card or facebook response to Jerry Alhadeff or the Palace Theater thanking them for their hard work!Pat O’day was also very involved with this effort. Thanks to Pat as well!


Michelle, Chair

Stop fence sitting!

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Why are you still fence sitting? You want to vote Republican to help the economy, right? However, you are worried about the environment, women’s needs and education right? Republicans are concerned about the environment, women’s needs and education.Please see the resumes of Dan Matthews, candidate for US Congress and John Swapp, candidate for Washington Senate.Both are advocates for the environment as well as business friendly legislation.Rob McKenna, candidate for Washington Governor has a platform made up of ways to make government and education more efficient. Michael Baumagartner, candidate for US Senate as a previous state senator has bipartisan support for his economic and leadership skills.

As a republican woman I find offense with the democrat tactic of fabricating a war on women.Ladies, we are too smart to believe that any party would work to diminish women’s rights today.Democrats have insulted us to have us fall into thinking republicans want to interfere with our personal freedoms.Women are empowered to make choices of their behaviors. Women have access to any health care they want.The catch is whether we get it paid by the government or by ourselves.Notice I didn’t say “free”.Government provided services are paid by you,me and our neighbors.Of course the needs of the underprivileged will always be helped by government.But what constitutes a need? Food stamps,emergency housing…..Really, how did birth control get in there? I alone am responsible for my behavior and its consequences. I answer to God, my husband and my friends.Women empower yourselves. Make good choices in your life and get off the fence.Vote Republican.

Michelle, Chair

Busy Week but remember to Vote Republican!

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Victory Party Wed Nov 7th 5:30PM

At Mi Casitas in the Best Western in FH

 Come join us for dinner or drinks.

We have all worked hard this year.

It will be time to celebrate. I’m confident!

A victory party is planned on Orcas at Mamie’s Boardwalk too!Details to come.

                          How about Lopez? Shaw?


Meet Mitt Romney

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Mitt was born in Detroit on March 12, 1947. His mother, Lenore, gave up an acting career when she met and married his father, George. Mitt’s father came from humble origins and never graduated from college. He apprenticed as a lath and plaster carpenter and sold aluminum paint before beginning a career that brought him to the head of American Motors and then the governorship of Michigan.

Mitt married his wife, Ann, in 1969. They first met in elementary school when he was a Cub Scout; he remembers tossing pebbles at her when she rode by on a horse. When they met again years later at a friend’s house, he was smitten. Between them, they have five sons and eighteen grandchildren, who are the center of their lives. Continued