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2012 State Party Platform and Issues Comparison

Jobs and the economy
Republicans encourage private sector job creation by repealing outdated and cumbersome regulations that hinder job growth. Democrats believe in preserving regulations, and growing government, thereby placing a heavy burden on small businesses.

Protections Against Tax Increases
Republicans support the voter approved requirement of a two-thirds majority vote of the Legislature to raise our taxes. Democrats oppose the voter-approved 2/3rds requirement for tax increases.

Health Care
Republicans oppose a government takeover of health care and support the repeal of Obamacare. We support competition among health care providers and giving patients more choices. Democrats call for a government-run “single-payer national health care plan” with numerous mandates and no choices available to patients. Continued

Washington State Platform 2012

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Let us thank Cindy Carter for her hard work on the platform committee in Tacoma. The results are below. We all feel our county was well represented.


TACOMA, WA    June 2, 2012

Platform Committee Co-Chairs Matthew Pederson and Lori Sotelo

Washington State Republican Party

Kirby Wilbur, Chairman


The Washington State Republican Party is dedicated to preserving a constitutional republic through
active participation by citizens for the protection and preservation of conservative values including:
the sanctity of human life; preserving a free society, free markets, and free trade; limited
government; low taxes; minimal bureaucracy; strong national defense; and private property rights.

We believe that government should do for individuals only those things they cannot do for
themselves and should be based on respect for each person’s ability, dignity, and liberty. Good
citizenship begins with protected rights and ends with accompanying responsibilities.

We reaffirm the words in the Declaration of Independence, “That all Men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty,
and the Pursuit of Happiness -That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”

It has been over two centuries since our Founders established the American creed — government
under God and accountable to the people. We believe their vision is best preserved by supporting the
policies outlined below. Continued

Support an Orcas Youth to Washington DC

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We are proud of high school student Bailey Johnson of Orcas Island who is traveling to Washington DC with the Smithsonian Student Travel Program. She will tour our Nation’s Capital and attend the inauguration of President Mitt Romney in January 2013.Yes I am optimistic that Bailey will experience the beginning of America’s healing and growth forward.

Please if you are able to financially help Bailey please contact her parents Heather and David Johnson . She will have expenses close to $2000. Let’s support Bailey Johnson, our future.

SJCRP well represented at State Republican Convention this week!

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San Juan County Republican delegates enjoyed a successful State Convention in Tacoma this week. Delegates Michelle Loftus, Rebecca Johnson, Nick Johnson, Alex Gavora, Cindy Carter, Dennis Hazelton and Levi Rawls engaged in workshops, lectures and convention voting with alternates Brian Ehrmantraut, Curt Wickstrom and Nathan Carter. Brian Ehrmantraut and Curt Wickstrom gave delegate speeches before a crowd of 2000. Mitt Romney received the majority of delegates to National Convention but Ron Paul and Rick Santorum delegates will also be represented at National Convention in Tampa August 25th. This allows Ron Paul and Rick Santorum delegates to further their candidate’s message to the national platform even though Mitt Romney will obtain the National Republican nomination for President. All will be united for Mr. Romney’s campaign. Continued

Cruise with the Candidates!

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Saturday June 30th!


Cruise with the Candidates

On a delightful Lighthouse/Wildlife Cruise

Aboard San Juan Safaris Sea Lion

 We will serve light refreshments and enjoy discussing our county needs with the candidates

  Washington State Atty Gen Rob McKenna,

Candidate for Washington State Governor

 Dan Matthews, Candidate for US House

 Kirby Wilbur, Washington State Republican Party Chair

                                      $100/person ticket for Cruise

Limited space available

Call Michelle Loftus for tickets


 3:30 pm at Totem Pole Park

Free Meet and Greet the Candidates 

For the public