Where is the Republican Fair Booth????

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Thank you for all your emails and calls concerning the Republican Fair Booth. Nice gentle conversations at the market and at church have been so encouraging on this matter. We have put so much work into providing a Republican Fair Booth in the past. The Nerf Gun Shooting Gallery, Constitution Trivia, the Cotton Candy Trump Hair, the Patriotic Jigsaw Puzzles, and much fun supportive conversation were activities we enjoyed. Planning begins in January each year. Now that we cancelled this year, your encouraging words make me realize the booth will be missed.

Do you ever have that nagging feeling about something? The voice in my head said we should not provide a Republican Fair Booth this year. In 2016 our booth was vandalized with eggs and tossing of the booth contents. During the first 3 hours of the 2017 SJC Fair, police assistance was needed to address a most loathsome individual who was harassing and threatening. For the remainder of the 2017 SJC Fair the booth volunteers were subject to spitting, name calling, obscene hand gestures, protests and verbal threats. Physical contact was narrowly avoided, and fear was felt by booth volunteers. (see Islands Sound Article)

If the ugly behavior escalates further, I am sure someone will be hurt. I could not ask volunteers to put themselves in harm’s way this year. I take full responsibility for the lack of the Republican Fair Booth this year. 

What to do now? We have much cause for happiness. The recent election results were very favorable to us. Michael Petrish (support Petrish) is bringing voters across the aisle for the 40th LD Rep race. Susan Hutchison (support Hutchison) will move forward to the General Election and give Cantwell a fierce fight for the Senate seat. I know Susan personally and she will be an amazing Senator. I can’t wait to see the debates! President Trump continues to plow through the swamp getting America on track again. Healthcare, immigration, trade economics, and international strength are being addressed while political correctness takes a back seat. This is what America has needed.

Please donate to our brave candidates. They use the money for advertising of their positions and message. There is a bright horizon ahead.


Michelle Loftus PCO