Democrats are planning an all out effort of mayhem and disruption to undermine the results of the 2016 elections. They’ve put together a training handbook for protestors with detailed instructions to harass and intimidate. They are targeting Republican members of Congress for defeat in 2018.
The WSRP is shining a light on the Democrats’ hypocrisy and we’ve posted their manual on our website. We want you to know what the American people are up against. To view the protesters’ training handbook, click here.
The handbook is deceptively entitled “Indivisible,” but the Democrats’ plan is just the opposite – their modus operandi is dividing the American people. The handbook bears the names of former Democrat congressional staffers, but is clearly the work of hard core agitators who have taken Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” to new levels of disruption against the democratic process.
The New York Post reports:
“An Obama-tied activist group training tens of thousands of agitators to protest President Trump’s policies plans to hit Republican lawmakers supporting those policies even harder this week, when they return home for the congressional recess and hold town hall meetings and other functions.
“Organizing for Action, a group founded by former President Barack Obama and featured prominently on his new post-presidency website, is distributing a training manual to anti-Trump activists that advises them to bully GOP lawmakers into backing off support for repealing ObamaCare, curbing immigration from high-risk Islamic nations and building a border wall….”
This effort is a disrespectful slap in the face of the American people. Donald Trump is the duly-elected president. And the GOP members of our state’s congressional delegation – Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Dave Reichert, Jaime Herrera Beutler, and Dan Newhouse – were all re-elected by huge margins, defeating Democrat candidates who supported Obamacare and the rest of the progressive agenda.
The New York Post article continues:
“These aren’t typical Black Lives Matter or Occupy Wall Street marchers, but rather professionally trained organizers who go through a six-week training program similar to the training — steeped in Alinsky agitation tactics — Obama received in Chicago when he was a community organizer….”
The Democrats hope to force their progressive agenda through with their tactics of intimidation, but together we can block their plan. Show your support for our Republican members of Congress – call their offices and tell them to stand strong against the Democrats. Here are the numbers to call:
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers: (509) 684-3481
Rep. Dave Reichert: (425) 677-7414
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler: (360) 695-6292
Rep. Dan Newhouse: (509) 452-3243

Susan Hutchison
Chairman, Washington State Republican Party