Successful Forum!

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What a great evening! Dr. Roger Stark gave an informative history on how the Affordable Healthcare Act was developed and pushed through the Senate in 2009. This process is one of the many issues presently being challenged by the courts as described by speaker Daniel Himebaugh. l learned so much about the Affordable Healthcare Law.Dr. Stark also informed us on how the promotion of the bill touted more insurance coverage for more Americans.If the true intent was better healthcare overall, the mark will be sorely missed. We learned about how the cost of premiums vs the penalty will actually keep people from signing up for insurance until they need it.With this in play the insurance companies will not be able to keep up with the risk. Dr. Stark included an analysis of the Massachusetts Healthcare Law under Governor Romney.Not good news either folks. Yes a crash of the system leading us to single payer is most likely. So here we go toward healthcare as experience in Canada and many other countries.With AHA we will experience the stagnation of research and development, months of waiting(dying) for procedures and severe doctor shortages.All of these exaggerated for medicaid/medicare patients.

The good new is that some people will recognize they need to take better care of themselves.

Why did the AMA support the AHA? Dr. Stark mention that the AMA only represents 20% of doctors. Those represented are mostly academia doctors who work for government/academic agencies. Continued

Affordable Healthcare Act Forums this Fri and Sat

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The “Affordable” Health Care Act

and What it Means to Us

                          Daniel Himebaugh-Pacific Legal Foundation

Roger Stark-Washington Policy Center

 Friday Sept 13, 6:00PM   Eastsound Fire Hall, Orcas Island-

Sponsored by the Orcas Eagle Forum

Saturday Sept 14, 6:00PM Potluck and 6:30PM Forum,San Juan Historical Museum-

Sponsored by the San Juan County Republicans

Volunteers needed for speaker lodging,set up and clean up

SJI bring a dish to share

Call Cindy Carter 376-2187 or Michelle Loftus 298-1843 for more information


11:30 Am Fri 13th Forum:Marijuana now with I-502 in our Community

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Cynthia Stark-Wickman, Prevention Coordinator
San Juan County Health and Community Services
San Juan Island Prevention Coalition

The coalition will have a special I-502 awareness and presentation meeting on September 13, 11:30-2 atFriday Harbor Presbyterian Church.  Please invite community members to attend!

We are pleased to have two inspirational and highly involved community educators and prevention advocates joining us this Friday.Both Derek Franklin and Ramona Leber are active with the Washington State Association of Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention, a collaborative that has provided education, advocacy materials and presentations to communities throughout the state.  We used and use many of the resources in our education efforts. Continued

Remember September 11, 2001 and 2012

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9/11 explosion, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 anniversary, world trade center, terrorist attack, 911

This morning’s Friday Harbor Remembrance Ceremony was quite moving as we heard from our own First Responders and leaders of the town and county. We heard from Detective Lachlan Buchanan who was a New York police officer 9/11/2001. His story was one of selfless service and bravery.We were encouraged to serve others today and all year in the “We Will” campaign.There are other ceremonies in our county today.Please show your respect publicly and privately.Pray for healing and peace.

Please also remember the Benghazi, Libya attacks one year ago today.The terrorist attack on our embassy occurred on this date as a reminder our global community holds enemies as well as friends.

God Bless America. God Bless Americans.


Let’s Respond to Congressman Larsen:

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 Rick Larsen

September 6, 2013
Congress will vote soon on whether to authorize military force in response to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons on civilians.I have not decided how I will vote. Before I do, I would like to hear from you.The evidence that the Syrian government used chemical weapons is convincing. I understand those who are skeptical, particularly with the memory of how the American public was offered defective intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war. But the evidence on Syria is credible, and has been corroborated by analyses from France and the United Kingdom. Continued