Republican vs Democrat?

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Republicans and Democrats agree in desiring happy lives free of stress and having the unfortunate cared for.

The difference is how Republicans and Democrats want to achieve this.

Republicans want to do for themselves. Republicans want the free market to set up systems to achieve happiness in personal wealth and healthy communities including care for the needy.Let’s list successful examples:
Successful Businesses
The Food Bank/Resource Center
Church Outreach and Hospitals
Service Organizations-Lions,Rotary,Kiwanas
Local Animal Shelters

Democrats want those with money to pay more taxes so the government can take care of their happiness and the needs of the unfortunate. Such comes with restrictive regulations on how, when and where you can be happy.Let’s list where this approach has failed:
Postal System
Social Security
Public Schools in general are caught in a quagmire of government regulations that require so much administration that direct education costs are second to running the organization.God bless those dedicated good teachers caught in the middle.
SJC Critical Areas Ordinance
Unemployment benefits that last 2 years
Nanny State Attitudes

There is a difference. Watch while Republicans clean up the present mess.


Deathly Quiet as Governor Addresses AWB, and Then Come the Groans

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Posted February 7th, 2014

Deathly Quiet as Governor Addresses AWB, and Then Come the Groans

No Cheers from Business Owners as Governor Outlines Plan to Raise Minimum Wage

By Erik Smith
Washington State Wire

Gov. Jay Inslee gets a chilly reception at the annual legislative summit of the Association of Washington Business.Gov. Jay Inslee gets a chilly reception at the annual legislative summit of the Association of Washington Business. New AWB president Kris Johnson looks on.

OLYMPIA, Feb. 7.—A hush fell over the room Thursday as Gov. Jay Inslee described his plan to raise the state minimum wage – and then came the groans.

Which probably tells you what business thinks of the idea. At the annual legislative summit of the Association of Washington Business in Olympia Thursday, there was no point in running an applause-meter, because there wasn’t any. Continued


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This is easy.Call 1-800-562-6000 to oppose HB 2148
HB 2148: Anti-Choice & Unnecessary
While the rest of the state is focused on the Seahawks Super Bowl Parade in downtown Seattle tomorrow morning, the Washington State House will be voting on one of the most unnecessary  and anti-choice pieces of legislation in Washington State’s history.
This bill would force every policy in the private insurance market to cover abortion.  No choices, no options.  All abortion all the time.

This is the third-year in a row this bill has been debated.  Its supporters say it is necessary in order to make sure that women are not denied access to an abortion because they don’t have insurance.

Yet, in three years of debate, not a single woman has ever testified that she was unable to get an abortion, or even that her abortion was delayed, because she did not have insurance to pay for it.

Proponents also claimed to be concerned that the exchange created under the Affordable Care Act would not cover abortion. However, every insurance company offering policies under the exchange is offering abortion coverage.

This bill will offer no tangible benefits to anyone, but it will take away choices from millions of Washington citizens who do not wish to pay for abortion through their insurance premiums. Continued

Benghazi, IRS Scandal, Obamacare Debacle

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Benghazi Deaths, IRS Scandal, Obamacare Debacle, Fast and Furious

The President takes no responsibility. So who has been leading our country while he has been in office? Take note of Senate and Congress leaders that have done his dirty work. Our Congressman Rick Larsen CD2 for example. It’s time for both of them to go. We can get rid of Larsen in November 2014. We need to restore America’s honor.


FPIW Action!

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FPIW Prayer Network: Please use the following information as the basis for praying for FPIW this week, as well as forwarding to your respective prayer groups and networks. Email to join the network. Thank you for praying! 
Religious Freedom * Sanctity of Human Life

Abortion Insurance Mandate
Conscience Coercion Bill
HB 2148 & SB 6359 – Concerning health plan coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.

Summary: Would force health plans that cover maturity care to also “provide coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy”. Read more and track this bill.

Status HB 214801/27/14 passed to Rules. 01/30/14 Placed on Second Reading. Eligible to be placed on the Third Reading Calendar and final consideration by the full House.

SB 6359There is no public hearing scheduled at this time. Continued