Newsletter: Is having water in your house important to you?

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Greetings Conservatives!



Planning to buy a house in a rural area? 

Drill a well? Own property already?

You need to know what the Hirst decision is and what it means!

This WA State court decision impacts every rural resident in Washington State

It is nothing less than an attack on rural life

This decision, shortly summarized:
The drilling of ANY WELL that can has an impact a nearby river or stream can be blocked —
simply reducing the amount of water that reaches a stream can count


Come learn more —
Speaker Ed Kilduff 
Hydrologist and Water Issues Expert


Saturday, July 15th
 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Earthbox Inn and Spa

No Charge!
Bring your family!

We will be providing Ice Cream and beverages
Please bring cookies or brownies to share

Central Committee Mtg that same day:
11:30 am – 1 pm
Earthbox Inn and Spa

 full details here

 Next week we will be publishing our quarterly ezine, to coincide with the July 15th event.


Local and State News Digest

Many conservatives were disappointed when I-1552 failed to make the ballot due to insufficient numbers. Email posted on the website here.

Skagit Republicans are having a picnic with Glen Morgan on July 22nd. Glen was the Director of the Property Rights Division of the Freedom Foundation from 2011 to 2015 and now is the Washington State Executive Director of CAPR (Citizens Alliance for Property Rights).

There are a couple new candidates applying to replace Judge Eaton. This is an appointed position. Katie Loring and Jon Cain. We would like more info on both these candidates, if you have insight please let me know at

Doris Schaller is retiring from the elections office. Despite almost certainly being democrats, her office has (nearly as I can tell) been generally well run, so this change is not without anxiety for us. 

WSF is holding a series of meetings about fare increases. Journal reports

“EMS, prevention coalition to receive remaining public hospital district funds” (Journal)

There were a couple letters on the affordable housing debate here and here. The Lopez Islands Weekly published a guest editorial criticizing the high volume of tourism and the number of vacation rentals.

Democrats “Lt. Governor Habib, Sen. Ranker, to host community forum” (Sounder reports)

Washington Policy Center had a full length article on the new paid family and medical leave law in WA State. 

“DOJ asks Washington state elections boss how she keeps ineligible voters off rolls” (Seattle Times). 

  • Washington Wire was (I believe) the first to report on this, and some conservatives are angry with Kim Wyman (R) for not complying with the broader parts of the request.
  • Others are happy not to have extended private information including Social Security numbers shared with the president’s election commission.
  • It should be noted that Secretary Wyman did comply with parts of the request, which under state law she was required to disclose. Whatever your own opinion,
  • We can all agree that we wish her all the best during her cancer treatments (although we will not show her the disrespect of treating her with kid gloves as a result of it)


County Calendar

Human Services Advisory Board
July 10, 2017, 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM @ Large Legislative Conference Room

San Juan Island Library Board of Trustees Meeting
July 11, 2017, 3:00 PM @ San Juan Island Library

Citizens Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting
July 12, 2017, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM @ Town of Friday Harbor Fire Hall Meeting Room

Housing Bank Commission Meeting
July 12, 2017, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM @ Health and Community Services

Democrats Lt. Governor Habib, Sen. Ranker — community forum
Wednesday, July 12, from 3 – 4:30 p.m. @ Orcas Senior Center

Fair Board Meeting
July 13, 2017, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM @ Parks and Fair Admin Office Meeting Room

SJC Republican Party Central Committee Meeting 
July 15, 2017, 11:30 am – 1 pm @ Earthbox in F.H.

 SJC Republican Party Ice Cream Social
July 15, 2017, 2 pm – 4 pm @ Earthbox in F.H.



Nathan Butler

Chair, San Juan County Republican Party



“No matter how conservative your views may be, unless you do something about it you really aren’t that conservative.”

I-1552 fails to gather sufficient signatures to make the ballot

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This week I-1552 failed to make the ballot, falling short of the necessary numbers. Email update follows. –editor

To our friends, volunteers, and faithful supporters,


This is not the message I was hoping to write to you today. Unfortunately, despite a Herculean effort from a heroic team of volunteers, we were unable to gather enough signatures to get I-1552 on the ballot. We exceeded last year’s total by over 20,000 signatures, and we know that so many more people throughout the state would be willing to sign if given the chance, but the truth is that we simply couldn’t reach them in time.

We knew from day one that the job before us would be an uphill battle. It has been over fifteen years since a volunteer team has been able to get an initiative on the ballot in Washington without millionaire funding. But we also knew that the overwhelming majority of Washington’s residents think it’s inexcusable to allow grown men access to women’s showers and intimate facilities. We knew that WAC 162-32 is innately dangerous and ripe for abuse. And we knew that doing nothing was not an option.

We had a well-crafted plan based on lessons learned last year. The plan was executed well, given the variables of a complete volunteer workforce. Our paid signatures exceeded our goals. Fund raising, while sporadic, was ultimately successful. Collection, organization, and processing were well done.

And let me tell you about our volunteers. From the 84 year-old woman dedicating every weekend to signature collection so that little girls across the state would have privacy she herself had been denied as a child, to the brave man answering our phones and fielding over 200 prank calls a night from our opposition…. From the volunteer who set up a table 8 hours a day, five days a week outside the Pierce County Annex, determined to do his part to restore the safety and privacy of women, to the mom of four who still found time to spearhead the volunteer efforts in two entire counties to make sure they were well represented, you should know that good people care an awful lot about defending your privacy, and the number of them continues to increase each day.


We will not stop working to reverse this dangerous rule and restore the safety and privacy of women and girls in Washington. Whether that means trying again next year or working with the legislature in the upcoming session will be determined in the near future.

This problem didn’t happen overnight, and neither will the solution to it. But no matter how long it takes, one thing is certain: a passionate new team of committed activists is beginning to sound the alarm and rouse the sleeping giant into action. We registered over 7,000 new voters and mobilized a number of previously inactive groups for the cause. With 240,000 signatures in hand, we nearly accomplished what many have declared impossible in our state.

With tremendous gratitude to the people who made this happen and renewed resolve to restore safety and sanity in our state, we end this year’s effort not with defeat but with determination. Washington’s women and girls are still at risk. They still deserve better. And we intend to see that they get it.

It has been a true honor to fight with and for you. Thank you for standing with us. Stay tuned, and stay bold.


Kaeley Triller Haver

Communications Director

Just Want Privacy Campaign

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Our July Double Event is Live on SJI!

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(this information can also be accessed here)


July 15, 2017 DOUBLE FEATURE

Earthbox in Friday Harbor (410 Spring Street)


Central Committee Meeting

11:30 am – 1 pm

All Republicans welcome. The Central Committee is the primary organizing body of the county Republican Party. For more information on who makes up the central committee and how it works, click here.



Ice Cream Social and Speaker!

Come get the Scoop!

2 pm @ Earthbox in Friday Harbor


“Water Wars: Will Government Control Water on Your Property?”

Speaker Ed Kilduff: 

Hydrologist and Water Issues Expert

Learn more about the WA Supreme Court Hirst Decision Damage

Please bring brownies or cookies to share. We will provide the venue, Ice Cream and tableware.

There is no charge. Bring your family!



WSRP: “Unlike any other country in the world, our premier national holiday doesn’t celebrate a battle, royalty or religion. It celebrates a document!”

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We received this email from WSRP on the 4th of July 2017. Enjoy! –Nathan



The July 4th Document…
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View it in your browser.

As we enjoy Independence Day with family, friends and fireworks, it’s important to remember that unlike any other country in the world, our premier national holiday doesn’t celebrate a battle, royalty or religion. It celebrates a document!

A few years ago I was invited to speak to the Common Sense Society of Hungary, a newly formed group of college students and graduates who were admirers of America. Their name derived from the famous pamphlet “Common Sense” written in 1776 by patriot Thomas Paine who declared “the cause of America is, in great measure, the cause of all mankind.”

These young Hungarians, living in a newly formed democracy less than 20 years young, were proudly handing out their first pamphlet—a Hungarian translation of the Declaration of Independence! They looked to Jefferson’s immortal words to help them “transition from a post-communist state towards a truly free and prosperous society.”

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

Our July 4th document shares the “cause of America” which “is in great measure, the cause of all mankind.” Let’s celebrate!

Chairman Susan Hutchison
Washington State Republican Party
11811 NE 1st ST  A306
Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 460-0570

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Happy Independence Day! State budget deal, next SJCRP event, fairbooth, and more

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Greetings Conservatives!
Happy 4th of July! 

I hope for our nation’s Independence Day
that you are surrounded by friends and family!
May God Bless America!

Fourth of July!

There is so much to be grateful for in this great nation. We sometimes are guilty of dwelling on what is bad or worse or negative. Let us all remember the extraordinary level of personal safety that we all enjoy, the longer lives, the greater opportunity; the ability to talk to relatives half a world away, reliable power and clean water. Many places in the world lack these things. Although things may vary from bad to good over the course of a human life, our own lives when placed beside our great-great grandparents enjoy a level of prosperity and peace that must’ve been almost impossible for them to imagine.

Yet sometimes there is something lost in our affluence. I have lived in many places around the world, and observed that people are often happier than those I encounter in the west. Our prosperity allows us to not need each other, and it erodes our sense of community and family ties. Humans are social creatures that need to belong and contribute. The value of remaining together as extended families, even into retirement and old age, have repeatedly been shown to be tremendously beneficial to a sense of well being and community. And yet when a nation reaches a certain level of affluence, the first thing people do is separate into their immediate families.

We are blessed to live in a county that still has a sense of community. Many places do not. In many places nobody even knows their neighbors names. Please consider volunteering to help with the Republican Party fair booth, a wonderful annual event that has “community” written all over it. You can sign up here. I have done it many times, and only rarely do you encounter people who are determined to make things difficult.

I wish you all the best! (Remember, personal fireworks are illegal)

Next SJCRP Event: July 15th

Central Committee meeting, 11:30 am. Later that day, 2 pm, ice cream social. No charge! Please bring cookies or brownies to share. Ed Kilduff will be speaking to us about water issues, rural development, and the Hirst decision. Both events at Earthbox Inn and Spa in Friday Harbor.

All details on the website here.

 WA State Budget Deal

This week we avoided a budget shutdown in Washington State. You may have heard on the news of many state services shutting down, but it appears that will not be the case. Seattle Times reports. See also “Proposed Washington state budget boosts spending by 13.5%” here.

The main issue that made the budget difficult this year was the McCleary decision, where the state supreme court said that the state was not keeping its (state) constitutional obligation to adequately fund education. The conservative Washington Policy Center has an excellent article on the McCleary decision.

Although the budget deal announced 6/29 is very new and has not yet been fully covered, they also posted a brief piece explaining the new budget. It seems that state property taxes will go up, and that the state will be looking for new revenue streams (*ahem* — taxes) to cover the budget increases.

The state legislature has been trying to find a way to deal with this for several years. This is just one state supreme court decision among many that has broadened the role of government in our daily lives. I cannot comprehend how a judge would think himself better qualified than our elected representatives to determine what adequate funding for education means.

These kinds of things illustrate how much state politics matter — and yet they are often ignored. It makes sense to point out here that Jinyoung Lee, GOP candidate for the 45th legislative district, is under attack by the left! This isn’t suprising, since she is in the lead financially. This race will determine who controls the state senate. Her campaign says that the Seattle, “Eastside Leadership Council” is pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars from out of state special interest groups in attack ads against her.

 Local and State News Digest 

Research by the UW into the effects of Seattle’s new minimum wage have shown that the measure has been harmful. So what did the mayor do? Try to find a different study! WA Policy Center ran a 10-part series on this, the most recent one here, and even the Seattle Times criticized town hall.

SJC Democrats are being investigated by the (state) Attorney General’s office for financial irregularities (Journal and the Guardian report)– apparently for the most part late recording of payments and that sort of thing. I’m not inclined to may hay from this, Tim Eyman, the Whatcom County Republicans, and the King County Democrats were all penalized for a range of violations. Election finance law is incredibly complex and seems to be designed to keep anybody not a lawyer or accountant from being able to run for office, and every volunteer organization struggles to get such unpleasant work taken care of responsibly. We’ll see what happens and how serious the charges turn out to be.

It’s been a rough few years for CenturyLink and by extension all of us, but this attitude “Centurylink decline to explain landline outage” doesn’t help. Rockisland discussed some of these issues in their June newsletter here. (for those who care: the part about the theoretical maximums for copper cable is not entirely correct, by twisting two cables together you actually can get 25 mb/s ADSL in F.H., but that’s splitting hairs… or cables, and it’s true that a single cable cannot.)

On the subject of utilities, If electricity costs are going up, know that it’s not just here. “Seattle-area customers can expect to pay more for electricity starting this fall,” Seattle TImes.

F.H. is expanding it’s parking on the former Browne’s Lumber lot, located at 330 Spring Street. Journal and the Guardian reports.

 Orcas Recycling Services finalizes lease agreement with county. Sounder reports.

Orcas school board has proposed two separate levies, one for repairs and the other for the new track. They will be voted on in November. Sounder reports.

It’s time to turn in petitions for I-552, which was supported by the WA State Republican Party and Just Want Privacy. Unless you agree with what the democrats say about it.

WSU had a data theft, and 1 million people had their data compromised. I happen to be one of them, although I never went to WSU. Seattle Times reports. It’s worth learning how to detect phishing attempts and scans.

The WA legislature approved a paid family leave law. Seattle Times reports.

An example of courage when an Imam protects the man who attacked his congregation until police can arrive and properly arrest him. USA Today.

How to Defeat Weaponize Empathy.” A PCO sent this to me, and it resonated.

Labor unions are going after the Freedom Foundation, a conservative WA State thinktank. The Blaze reports.

County Calendar

 July is a busy month and many community organizations don’t hold regular meetings. OPALCO will have no July meeting.

 Eastsound Plan Review Committee Meeting

July 6, 2017, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM @ Eastsound Station 21
Noxious Weed Control Board Meeting
July 7, 2017, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM @ WSU – Skagit Campus
Human Services Advisory Board
July 10, 2017, 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM @ Large Legislative Conference Room

Nathan Butler

Chair, San Juan County Republican Party
“No matter how conservative your views may be, unless you do something about it you really aren’t that conservative.”