Lot’s of News to Cover!

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Newsletter from Jan 10, 2018:


Happy New Year!

It’s been a while since my last newsletter, but it’s a new year, the holidays are over, and it’s time to get back to work! If you have a comment, you can email me at sjcrpchair@gmail.com. I wish you and yours all the best in 2018! Thanks for sticking around!

–Nathan Butler, Chairman SJC Republican Party (SJCRP)




Susan Hutchison is stepping down as Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP), read the press release here. She announced it on January 2nd, and it is effective Feb 4th, 2018.

She said: “The WSRP is in a robust financial position with a bright future. I expect that 2018 will result in many exciting wins for the GOP in our state—among them, Dino Rossi will hold the 8th Congressional seat, the Republicans will move into leadership in the State House of Representatives by flipping at least one seat, and there might even be some surprises in the State Senate.”

Susan has been an excellent leader, and is highly respected. Every person I have talked to in our county that has attended meetings at the state level noted her exceptional performance. I can only concur.

Later this month our delegates will attend state meetings to elect a new chairman — Vice Chair Lynda Gerpheide in my place — State Committeeman Rick Boucher, and State Committeewoman Cindy Carter. Chairman of WSRP is an elected, but paid full-time position.

The News Tribune reports three contestants for the slot, but actually there’s another one as well. Monique Trudnowski (link goes to NewsTribune), Lance Henderson (link is to Union-Bulletin), Caleb Heimlich (Current chief of staff to WSRP), and Marty McClendon. As we head into a major election year, we can ill afford instability as a party.

Caleb Heimlich is the favorite (but he had a headstart since he knew in advance), and will probably have the votes from most if not all of our county delegation. Do you have an opinion? Let me know and I will pass it along to our team.


Pictured: Susan Hutchison (from WSRP website)

We can only hope that the new chairman will be as good as Susan Hutchison!

All the best to her and her family going forward!

You can read her bio here



Judge Eaton Retires (Journal), and Loring sworn in as San Juan County Superior Court Judge. (Journal)

“Public hospital district appoints interim chief, against EMS staff recommendations.” (Journal)

Sheriff Ron Krebs Spread ‘Stand Up’ message. (Journal)

“Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, announced new legislation to protect Washington state’s Orca Whales and marine waters under the Salish Sea Protection package.” (Journal)

  • “NOAA says vessel rules are a win for orcas and whale watch boaters.” (Journal)
  • “Ranker unveils ambitious plan to protect Salish Sea.” (Sounder)

“San Juan Island School District meetings recap.” (Journal)

“The year ahead: A conversation with Councilman Rick Hughes.” (Journal or Sounder)

“Washington State Ferries management in San Juans.” (Guest Column in the Journal)

“Second public hospital district [on Orcas] town hall held.” (Sounder)

“Lopez public hospital district hires Orcas resident to be superintendent.” (Sounder)

“OPALCO unites with regional co-op.” (Islands Weekly)

“Vacancies for San Juan County boards and commissions.” (Islands Weekly)

Friends of the San Juans published an article in the Islands Weekly, “Friends appeals the Shoreline Master Program.”



“‘Faithless’ electors $1,000 fines upheld.” (The Spokesman Review) YES!!

“Commissioner Franz statement on governor’s carbon proposal.” (Sounder)

  • The conservative Washington Policy Center describes it as “Governor’s Carbon/Gas Tax: 20 cents a gallon & lots of subsidies.”
  • “Inslee to propose Washington carbon tax” (Capital Press, from mid Dec.)

“Legislature will re-attempt their New Year’s resolution by delivering Hirst Fix.” (Washington Policy Center)

“Four storylines to watch in Olympia during the 2018 legislative session.” (The NewsTribune)

“Washington DOH adds a third option to birth certificates.” (Journal)

The Trump administration is opening offshore areas for drilling in the Northwest. You can read about it in the Seattle Times or KOMO News 4. Another article in the Seattle Times here.

Seattle Times on sex education: “To prevent sexual violence, educators and activists say students need to look at root causes — and that sometimes means having uncomfortable classroom conversations about consent.”

Fractured West: In Oregon and elsewhere, rural residents increasingly balk at Democrats’ progressive governance. (City Journal)

Federal DOJ announces that it will no longer allow states to set policy on Marijuana that conflicts with State law.

  • You can watch Fox News discuss it here.
  • Seattle Times: “‘An attack on Seattle’: Washington state officials say they won’t back down on legal pot as Sessions rescinds Obama-era policy.”
  • King 5 News: “Justice Department ending federal policy that let legal pot flourish.”
  • Sequim Gazette: “Peninsula pot shop owners take wait-and-see stance after federal policy change.”
  • Sessions did not outline any new enforcement priorities, and seemed to indicate that U.S. Attorneys now have discretion to prosecute marijuana crimes as they see fit. (text from Seattle Times article)

Some Democrats and Republicans have been trying to shut down Atlantic fish farming after the release of the farmed salmon (branded “Atlantic Salmon”) over the summer.

  • “Escaped Atlantic salmon found 42 miles up Skagit River.” (Seattle Times)
  • “Puget Sound fish farmers say banning Atlantic salmon operations would be unfair.” (Seattle Times)
  • “Lawmakers consider bill to ban commercial net pens for fish farms after massive spill.” (KOMO 4)
  • Journal: “Cooke fined for water quality violations at Bainbridge Island net pen facility.”
  • Note also the article on Kevin Ranker above.

Behind Seattle’s government spending spree: a deluge of taxes, six-figure pay and officials eager to do more.” (Seattle Times)

  • Summary: Over the past five years, the cost of Seattle’s government has grown faster than almost any other major U.S. city, propelled by surging tax collections and a scope of government services that has expanded faster than Seattle’s population. So far, it’s mostly been supported by taxpayers, whose willingness to pay up has contributed to a 35 percent surge in tax revenue. But our tolerance for ever-increasing taxes may be at its limit. “So much of the city’s revenue thirst has been quenched with taxes that aren’t necessarily sustainable…”

Bob Ferguson, our trigger happy WA State Attorney General is in the news a lot. Really. Just recently:

  • “Washington state AG Bob Ferguson says he’ll sue over FCC’s net-neutrality repeal.” (Seattle Times)
  • “Washington AG sues Value Village, claiming thrift-shop chain isn’t as charitable as it seems.” (Seattle Times)
  • “Value Village sues Washington attorney general, fighting a demand for millions to settle investigation.” (Seattle Times)
  • He’s also suing Motel 6 for cooperating with ICE (USA Today). Setting aside whether ICE should have asked them to do so which is something seperate, witness the specticle of one government agency (WA AG office) suing a company for cooperating with another government agency (ICE). That’s just immoral. He should sue ICE if he believes he has a case — and maybe Motel 6 shouldn’t have done what they did. But should I not cooperate with the FBI because I’m scared Bob Ferguson will sue me?
  • This guy is more active than Governor Inslee. “With a growing number ofWashington adults owing money on student loans, state Attorney General Bob Ferguson wants new legislation to license and regulate student-loan servicers.” (Seattle Times)
  • Not everything he does is bad (though the vast majority is), but he is the most political state AG I can recall — he is more political than the governor. And that is not acceptable for an attorney general.


Newsletter: Freedom Foundation, local news digest

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Greetings Conservatives!

Central Committee Meeting
Dec 2, 2017 (this Sat)
12 pm
Heritage Bank in F.H.
(535 Market Street)
All conservatives are welcome.

Special to our Newsletter:

Kelley Unger, Director of Development Operations at Discovery Institute

Discovery Institute is a nonpartisan, secular think that that promotes thoughtful analysis and effective action on local, regional, national and international issues. Read more on our website here, or theirs here. Read about Kelley here.

Kelley Unger, Discovery Institute

In this article Kelley introduces us to another conservative WA State think tank, The Evergreen Freedom Foundation:

Washington is known as the Evergreen state, which for many elicits images of green farmlands and forests, and open spaces for hiking, hunting, and exploring. Originally settled by explorers, fur traders, miners and fishermen, Washington has been the home of free spirits and innovators from the time of its early settlement until the present time. But over time, expanded government, more invasive conservation and animal protection legislation, as well as organized unions, have robbed our state’s residents of their freedom and rights.

To combat this loss of freedom and rights, another local think tank was formed, The Freedom Foundation, with offices in Washington and Oregon. Founded in 1991 by Bob Williams and Lynn Harsh as the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, today they are a national leader in winning the fight for freedom at the state and local level. They’ve even received acclaim nationally for their work.

As The Freedom Foundation’s mission states, their goal is to “advance individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited, accountable government.” The organization has a vision of a day when opportunity, responsible self-governance, and free markets flourish in America because its citizens understand and defend the principles from which freedom is derived.

Currently, the primary focus of The Freedom Foundation is Labor Reform. They are working hard to educate the public, and more specifically union members, on the stronghold that public and private sector labor unions have on our citizens.

Most Americans don’t like being told what to do. Yet many government employees are forced, as a condition of working, to pay dues to private union organizations. These union monopolies overcharge workers and spend huge sums of money on political campaigns and lobbying. And, since union power comes from government, union lobbyists always push for bigger and more powerful government.

In fact, government unions are the biggest lobby in Washington State for bigger government. Their undue influence drowns out taxpayers, but taxpayers have had enough. Just like citizens in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Washington is ripe for change, for reforms that protect workers and taxpayers alike. The Freedom Foundation is the leading advocate for that change.

The Freedom Foundation has also been successful in several other areas of public policy that impact Washingtonians: [continued on our website here]

Local News Digest


Two of our observers in Friday Harbor had their report published in the paper, “Wonderful watch of the vote count.” Next time considering pitching in! We had a robust group this year, and the elections office was very accommodating.

San Juan County residents face property tax increase, mostly from state” (Journal), but not to worry, “Unlike the rest of the state, San Juan County residents voted to maintain almost all of Washington’s tax increases in November’s general election.” (also Journal) Not making this up.

  • A part of me appreciates the honesty and consistency though — the rest of the state votes for Democrats, and then slaps taxing limitations on legislators to keep them from acting like Democrats.
  • Also useful is the Guardian’s article “Assessed Value And Levy Rates Sent Out

Katie Loring appointed judge for San Juan County Superior Court (Journal)

The shortage of leadership in our county continues, “San Juan County boards and commissions vacancies.” Every 6 months or so the Journal runs an article noting just how many positions in our community are left unfilled.

Debates on lodging tax distributions at San Juan County Council” (Journal).

If you are on Lopez or Orcas, this article on the new UW owned rural clinics on Lopez and Orcas may be of interest: “What you need to know about UW Medicine in the islands” (Islands Weekly)

Task force formed to look at elder care options,”

On Orcas Island there are a series of forums on the proposed Public Hospital District, the next one is this week, Nov.30, 2017, 5:30-7 p.m, at Eastsound Fire Station, with more in December, January, and March.

There are a lot of letters at the moment, I’ve given up running them all. You can look them up for the JournalSounder, or Islands Weekly. The paper that gets the least by far is the Islands Weekly.

Consider taking a poll regarding drug abuse in our community, sponsored by the Prevention Coalition. They always struggle to get enough responses in our county.

A friend requested I run this quote from the last newsletter’s article on the military, written by a veteran: “The more we normalize disrespect to the national anthem, applaud pledge of allegiance protests, and entertain discussions about how democratic ideals are somehow inherently flawed – the easier it will be to disrespect the people who are sworn to protect those ideals.”


Kelley Unger on the Freedom Foundation

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Liberty in the Evergreen State:

The Freedom Foundation 

special to SJCRP 

by Kelley Unger

Director of Development Operations, Discovery Institute 


Washington is known as the Evergreen state, which for many elicits images of green farmlands and forests, and open spaces for hiking, hunting, and exploring. Originally settled by explorers, fur traders, miners and fishermen, Washington has been the home of free spirits and innovators from the time of its early settlement until the present time. But over time, expanded government, more invasive conservation and animal protection legislation, as well as organized unions, have robbed our state’s residents of their freedom and rights.

To combat this loss of freedom and rights, another local think tank was formed, now known as The Freedom Foundation, with offices in Washington and Oregon. Founded in 1991 by Bob Williams and Lynn Harsh as the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, today they are a national leader in winning the fight for freedom at the state and local level. They’ve even received acclaim nationally for their work.

As The Freedom Foundation’s mission states, their goal is to “advance individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited, accountable government.” The organization has a vision of a day when opportunity, responsible self-governance, and free markets flourish in America because its citizens understand and defend the principles from which freedom is derived.

Currently, the primary focus of The Freedom Foundation is Labor Reform. They are working hard to educate the public, and more specifically union members, on the stronghold that public and private sector labor unions have on our citizens.

Most Americans don’t like being told what to do. Yet many government employees are forced, as a condition of working, to pay dues to private union organizations. These union monopolies overcharge workers and spend huge sums of money on political campaigns and lobbying. And, since union power comes from government, union lobbyists always push for bigger and more powerful government.

In fact, government unions are the biggest lobby in Washington State for bigger government. Their undue influence drowns out taxpayers, but taxpayers have had enough. Just like citizens in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Washington is ripe for change, for reforms that protect workers and taxpayers alike. The Freedom Foundation is the leading advocate for that change.

The Freedom Foundation has also been successful in several other areas of public policy that impact Washingtonians:

Education: Students and parents in Washington State are not getting their money’s worth, especially given how much the state spends per pupil. Stagnant test scores and embarrassing graduation rates are the results. They analyze reform efforts and recommend solutions to bring Washington students a World Class education system to meet 21st Century needs.

Property Rights: Property rights are intertwined with all other human rights. From works of art to loaves of bread, people produce the things because they are able to own and use resources. The Freedom Foundation stands up for property rights and property owners in Washington State. Most powerfully, they empower property owners themselves to build coalitions, confront local governments, and–often–win.

Budget & Taxes: The Freedom Foundation is a tireless voice for priority-based budgeting in state and local government. They work with responsible policymakers to craft sound, balanced budgets. They helped launch performance audits in Washington State as well as the model for health savings accounts eventually adopted into federal law. They work with elected officials and citizens to make government budget writing transparent and to focus it on real priorities, cutting spending on programs that are unnecessary, counterproductive or unconstitutional.

Constitutional Law: The Freedom Foundation’s Theodore L. Stiles Center for Liberty advances the rule of law and a legal climate where individuals can exercise their fundamental liberties and government is limited to its proper role. They seek to defend individuals against government encroachments upon their rights; unite lawyers who believe that the purpose of the law is to protect liberty; promote a judiciary that embraces its obligation to interpret the constitution; and expand the public’s understanding of the rule of law.

Principles & Voting: The Freedom Foundation anchors their policy work on the principles that made this nation great, and to offer educational programs and presentations on these “first principles.” The Freedom Foundation is also a leading voice for constitutional federalism and election integrity.

You can find lots of resources on all these topics, including blogs, daily radio show podcasts, and weekly video updates at The Freedom Foundation’s website at www.freedomfoundation.com. Sign-up for their email at the bottom of their homepage.

This article was submitted by Kelley Unger, Friday Harbor resident since 2015. Kelley is currently employed as the Director of Development Operations at Discovery Institute, where she has served since 2006.

Election Results

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Newsletter from 11/16/17


View this email in your browser
Greetings Conservatives!

SJCRP Central Committee Meeting
Dec 2, 2017
12 pm
Friday Harbor Heritage Bank
details here


VETERAN’S DAY (11/11)A special thanks to those who serve or who have family that serve in the Armed Services. The percentage of our population that does so is ever shrinking.

Fox news analyst wrote, “Army officer: In a divided country, will it soon become dangerous to wear my uniform in public?” To quote:

“To be clear, I’m not calling for Americans to blindly worship the military. As Army veteran David French aptly pointed out in a recent piece in the National Review: “Not everyone in the military is a hero. The mere act of donning a uniform does not make you any better than any other American.”

And I agree with French’s assertion that “loving the troops and supporting the military means holding both accountable.” But military accountability is an entirely different issue from the growing anti-American sentiment percolating through our culture.”

Yes, indeed. On that matter, someone else sent me this video, “We Swore We Would Never Forget 9/11. But We Did. — Reality Check” (MRC TV)

Note also the Island Guardian on Veteran’s Day

Although politics seems the very opposite of military service in many negative ways, it is the decisions that politicians make that determine whether the sacrifices made by our armed services are made on a forgotten battlefield or as part of a remembered victory. I can think of no better reason to do our part in our democracy than that.

Pictured: Candidate Englund

No beating around the bush, this was a difficult election. But it was not a hopeless one. If you still haven’t seen the results:

If you need some humor to cheer you up, SNL took pot shots at Democrats (for once).

We had a large group of observers this year spread across SJI, Orcas, and especially Lopez. Thank you each for your efforts!!



“Friday Harbor forum on how to treat Muslims as neighbors,” Nov 19th (Journal)

“County topics addressed at San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau membership meeting” (Journal)

“Inslee names Loring as San Juan County Superior Court Judge” (Journal)

“OPALCO Seeks Board Member for Lopez.” (Islands Weekly) This is a great way to serve your community, and as it is “non-partisan” it can be a great way for a conservative to contribute.

“San Juan County staff to assess how much land is undeveloped | Comprehensive Plan” (Islands Weekly)

“Environmental Groups Speak Out Against Anacortes Refinery Petrochemical Expansion Proposal in Salish Sea” (Islands Weekly)

“Leadership San Juan Islands (LSJI) continues recruiting for Class XIV, with applications due by Monday, Nov. 27 at 5 p.m.” (Sounder)

State Sen Kevin Ranker’s new editorial, “Building the blue wall” (I think this is drawn from a speech, although the text doesn’t say that)
“Washington State Ferries honor veterans” (Journal)

“Assessed Value And Levy Rates Sent Out” (Island Guardian)

I have updated our calendar on the website, including the WS Rep Party calendar.

Jinyoung Englund on electoral defeat

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We received the following update from the Englund campaign in the 45th District for state senate on Nov 10, 2017. I expect we will hear her name again in our state.


Jinyoung Englund for State Senate

From the beginning, we knew we were the underdogs.

And yet, you all still said YES to the call to serve a purpose higher than self. That purpose was a balance of power in our state and honoring the legacy of the late Senator Andy Hill.

Our movement was one born out of conviction — that we could not allow Andy’s spirit of bipartisan cooperation to die with him.

I want each of you to remember that when faced with a challenge worth fighting for, you understood that the reward of saying YES was greater than the regret of saying NO. 

6 ½ months ago, we hit the ground running and put up a fight. Today, that journey comes to an end.

Earlier today, I called my opponent to congratulate her and share my hope that she will be a voice that represents all of us in the 45th Legislative District.

In life, it is impossible to win them all. But if you’re going to fail, in the words of President Roosevelt, you might as well “fail while daring greatly” and that is what we did. 

I am thankful for and proud of each and every one of you for having the courage to say YES with me.

Great friendships are formed in the crucible of campaigns, and ours is no exception. To me, we are and always will be the Fighting 45th. And I would not trade the experiences we’ve shared these last several months for anything.

So thank you again. Thank you for believing in me, believing in us, and doing it for Andy.


Jinyoung Lee Englund