Why the ACLU and Democrats are targeting Catholic Hospitals

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This article is a bit lengthy but hang with it as it explains how the ACLU has become an arm of the Democrat Party. The ACLU suits against hospitals have cost hospitals and hospital districts dearly. Even our local district  Democrat party supported hospital district commissioners took money away from the Charitable Subsidy, funded by tax dollars, to use for their wealthy political ally Planned Parenthood. It is a disgusting unethical misuse of public funds. Islanders should be furious.


Grassroots group “Just Want Privacy” on Initiative 1552

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I recieved this email from “Just Want Privacy” on June 7th (some content removed). Go to Just Want Privacy’s website for more info, petitions, and links. Email follows:


Dear San Juan County Republicans:

On May 20th the Washington State Republican Party passed a resolution stating:

“Be it resolved that the Washington State Republican Party calls on all Washington state voters to sign and gather signatures to certify initiative 1552 before the July 7thdeadline.”

Our State needs to gather 330,000 signatures supporting this petition by July 1st to place this initiative on the November ballot.  Divide that number by 39 counties, and each county needs to get approximately 8,400 signatures….but 1,600 signatures from   San Juan County  would be wonderful!

If each Republican accepts the challenge of gathering signatures then we can have a great impact in this important issue that will bless our community for years to come!

Here is the challenge:  Will each GoP member take responsibility to fill out 1 full petition page (20 signatures on each page.)?    We know some  will get more and some will get less; that is completely acceptable.  Remember every signature counts!!

5 Simple Ways You Can Help

1 –  If you are a PCO, walk your own precinct to gather signatures, then help another PCO in their precinct.  (this is lots more fun if you walk with someone.)  You may also find others in your precinct who want to help.

2- Sign up to help gather signatures at pre-scheduled  events nearby or in an adjacent county.  Go here to sign up as a volunteer.  Or organize your own signature gathering event in front of a busy retailer or community event.  Parades and churches are the best.  Be sure to look for parades in your cities between now and July 1st (or July 4th if you can drive your petitions to Olympia on July 7th.)

Public spaces are always available to you and people are eager to sign this petition.

3 – Donate here to cover paid signature gathering.  Each full page costs about $35, but ALL donations are helpful!

4 – Take the petition to church, or another group or event you attend, gather signatures in those locations.

5 – Post regularly on Facebook and other social media, or call your friends to invite them to sign your petition.  And remember to “Share” all Just Want Privacy posts, emails or tweets with your circle of family and friends.

Go here to request blank petitions.  Return filled or partially filled petitions to the address on the back of the petition by July 1st!  If you need to turn them in after July 1, emailmedia@justwantprivacy.org for instructions.

There is no time to lose; let us lead the way in getting signatures!

What is initiative 1552?
In December 2015, a rule went into effect for the whole State of Washington.  The rule allows biological males to enter, use the toilets, undress, shower and otherwise be present in female bathrooms, locker rooms, shower rooms, changing facilities, and homeless shelters (and vice versa).

Our elected officials did not vote on this rule; it was imposed by a panel of 5 people appointed by Governor Gregoire or Governor Inslee.  Many people in our state don’t even know this new rule is currently in effect.

“Initiative 1552: Safe Spaces for Women and Children”, would repeal this harmful rule and restore safety, privacy and common sense in Washington.  330,000 signatures are needed by July 1st, to get this on the November ballot.

For more information visit www.justwantprivacy.org

Hospital District Fumbles Funds

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The San Juan County Public Hospital District has officially taken $40,000 from the District Subsidy set up for charitable services to pay their political ally Planned Parenthood. The district residents could have used the money for Prevention Coalition Drug Treatment and Mental Health Programs or the Paramedical Program promoting home health care and hospice.

Let’s be clear that the triad of commissioners Harrington, Sharp and Williams prioritized women’s healthcare already provided in the district by PIMC,PP and San Juan Healthcare over needs of the most vulnerable in the district. Why? Legal counsel debunked Harrington and Williams’ statements about SJCPHD being open to an ACLU suit similar to the one against Skagit Regional Hospital.

Statistics showed no need for PP expansion in the district. PP did show an inflated budget for expansion which indicated a shortfall and the triad fell for it. They even agreed to give PP more than the amount requested! Even if there were a need, PP’s billions of revenue could have paid for it.

Our hospital district charitable fund, our tax money, has been used to payback PP for its election support of Harrington, Williams and Sharp. Follow the money trail to the Local Democrat Party with strong ties to PP and support of the triad. Remember this the next election cycle. Remember this the next time you hold a hospice patient’s hand or take food to your opiate dependent neighbor. Your hospital district commissioner triad could have helped but did not think you mattered.

SJCPHD Workshop today 2:00 at EMS BLDG-again. We had a good presence last mtg so let’s do it again!Scroll Down for Update!!!

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At the last workshop we heard the brainwashing propaganda of Planned Parenthood aligning itself for the SJCPHD $50,000 subsidy. Their talking points are easy to see through. It hard to listen to director making 6 figures ask for our communities’ $50,000 while PP revenue is in the billions.

Today we will hear from Cynthia Stark the director of the Prevention Coalition who will voice the need for financial support to help drug abuse treatment programs in our hospital district.

We will also hear from EMS Chief Gerry Martin about the Paramedicine Program also needing funds. They coordinate many medical support needs in our community. This group would use our tax dollars inside the district for life saving services.

Below is the announcement from the SJCPHD.org website:

Special Meeting of Board of Commissioners (work session with no public comment period) scheduled for May 17, 2017, 2:00 p.m. at Frank Wilson Memorial EMS Building.  Topics being discussed include Community Para-medicine and San Juan Island Prevention Coalition for possible disbursement of tax subsidy monies returned to the district by PeaceHealth.  Full Agenda will not be finalized until Tuesday by 2:00 p.m, on this site. It will also be sent to the papers, posted at the EMS Building, and SJCPHD#1.  Notice of this Special Meeting has been released to local papers, posted at the EMS Building, and SJCPHD#1 Office.

Thank you,Michelle Loftus

Update!Great Job!

Yesterday’s meeting was well attended by our supporters. Friendlies outnumbered others 7 to 6.The Prevention Coalition and the Paramedicine Committee presented reasons the community would be well served if the Subsidy money supported their efforts.*Rumor is that at least two of the three PP supporting Commissioners are considering these proposals very seriously.

Now what? This is the time the SJCPHD commissioners and news need to hear from us again.

Please write all suggesting the SJCPHD Subsidy money should be used for the programs presented by Prevention Coalition and the Paramedicine Committee.

Talking Points:

Prevention Coalition programs to fight the drug culture in our community are essential to a healthy community.

Prevention Coalition’s Healthy Family Programs will result in better relationships and support systems in our community.

The Paramedicine Committee Programs will bring healthy and cost efficient medical services to our islanders.(What are Paramedicine Programs? It is a system of training and using medical personnel for prevention programs and home visit services. These programs are popping up around the country as a way to reduce emergency room visits as well as improve access to healthcare. They may also include hospice in some models.)

Both of these programs fit our demographics and the needs expressed by the community healthcare studies.


Please act today or tomorrow or as soon as possible.












Thank you,Michelle Loftus 360-378-4738


Michelle Loftus on PHD #1

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We received this note from Michelle Loftus about SJC Public Hospital District #1. (full disclosure: Nathan Butler, Chairman of SJCRP, has accepted a part-time job with PHD #1. He has no role in forming policy, but will generally recuse himself from PHD issues. Although we have been focusing on the PP issue, PHD generally does important work that makes a difference in many people’s lives. He is proud to be a part of it. We have a number of people intersted in the PP issue, Michelle Loftus among others, and we will continue to post and distribute their messages).

SJCPHD Meeting Wed 4/26  5:00 PM at County Council Chambers in FH

We outnumbered the PP supporters at the last meeting so let’s do it again.

 Today or tomorrow morning please send an email to the commissioners objecting to money going to PP before other needs in our community are met. An example of my email is below.

Tomorrow please attend the meeting and participate in the Public Access time. They will be voting to approve a contract with PP. There is a first objection in that services currently offered by PP here conflict with services provided by PIMC or physicians with leased space. By the 3rd Amendment of the district’s hospital contract, that is not allowed but we’ll see if the 3 follow this or not. The second objection pertains to funds used for abortions. Abortions cannot be performed safely in our remote location so our tax dollars would be used outside the district.

SJCPHD Commissioner,
Please consider real SJCPHD real needs when dispersing tax dollars. Hospice, Drug Abuse Treatment Programs, Paramedic Programs and Mental Health Counseling need financial support in our district.
Consider PP’s government funding has doubled in the past 10 years to $553,000,000  while their health services other than abortion has decreased 60-77%. PP Abortions have increased 27%.

   Consider: PP performs 323,999 abortions per year 

887 abortions per day

1 abortion every 97 seconds

Do not waste our tax dollars with PP. You can do better.
You must satisfy the 3rd amendment of the subsidy correctly. Don’t compete with PIMC and don’t use our tax dollars outside the district.
Sincerely,Michelle Loftus,Friday Harbor, WA